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Studies and Evidence

A man in a white coat and a face mask is pipetting sample material into a Vivalytic cartridge labelled "SARS-CoV-2".

Rapid and accurate detection of Whooping Cough

Despite a high vaccination coverage in the EU, whooping cough is not only present in Europe, but is dramatically on the rise in the post-pandemic era. Several countries reported outbreaks or increasing numbers in 2023/24...

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Evaluation of the Vivalytic one Analyser for detecting uropathogenic bacteria and antimicrobial resistances in urine samples od uropathogenic patients

The Vivalytic Urinary tract infection (UTI) test, currently under development, represents a qualitative PCR-based microarray test able to detect twenty-one specific uropathogenic bacteria and seven associated antimicrobial resistance genes in a point-of-care (POC) setting in four steps within 146 minutes...

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Teser STI Whitepaper - Comparison study

Bosch Vivalytic comparative testing - completed with excellent results

In a comparative testing published by our distributor Aprimeo, the innovative Vivalytic system is compared with standard RT-PCR diagnostics. The study on screening for sexually transmitted infections (STI) was conducted in a fertility practice clinic in Hamburg.

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Teaser e-Poster ECCMID P1657

Rapid and accurate detection of Mycoplasmataceae in clinical samples

M. genitalium (MG), M. hominis (MH), U. parvum (UP) or U. urealyticum (UU) are bacteria without a cell wall. They are either considered as pathogenic or commensal living organisms in the urogenital tract. They belong to the category of sexually transmitted infections in men and women...

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Teaser e-Poster comparison study

PCR confirmation test can be performed with the same sample material of the positive antigen test result

Since the appearance of the virus SARS-CoV-2 in 2019, in Germany different testing strategies have emerged in order to meet the growing demand of available tests to avoid a further spreading of the disease.,,

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Teaser e-Poster ECCMID 23

Optimized patient care through digital integration of the Bosch Vivalytic Analyzer

Point of care diagnostics has increased rapidly in recent years. Physicians and patients increasingly expect to obtain rapid, high-quality test results at bedside and at physician’s practices for immediate diagnosis and based upon the results, optimized patient treatment.

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Teaser e-Poster ECCMID 23

Validation of the Vivalytic SARS-CoV-2 rapid PCR test in lower respiratory tract specimens

The ongoing pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 requires the availability of accurate and rapid diagnostic tests, especially in some clinical settings like emergency and intensive care units (ICU). The objective of this study was to validate the rapid PCR kit Vivalytic SARS-CoV-2 in lower respiratory tract (LRT) specimens.

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